Cambridge Counselling Practice Face to Face or Online counselling, supervision or coaching.


About Me

I am a fully trained counsellor registered and accredited by the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists.
My style is interactive with a practical, common sense conversational approach. I think it is important to work in a collaborative and encouraging way. One size does not fit all, I therefore work in an integrative way to work with you in a way that suits your needs. I have worked with lots of different people and issues in a variety of settings including NHS GP surgery, Cruse, Centre 33, University Counselling Service and Petals as well as private practice.

Working with individuals or couples I can offer both short and long term therapy depending on your requirements. I do sometimes offer one-off appointments or a shot MoT style package to carry out a quick 'life laundry'. I can work in a solution focused way on a specific issue or in a more general way on lots of issues.

People come to talk about lots of different things. I do have a particular interest in working with bereavement or loss, relationship difficulties or people facing a transition or change in their life. I also have a strong interest and experience in problems arising from pregnancy, birth and parenting, including the death of a baby or child, premature birth, infertility and miscarriages. I have also trained as a coach and worked in a variety of business settings so am happy to help you with work related issues. But whatever brings you to counselling I am happy to help.

Training and Qualifications

My core training is in individual psychology and Adlerian counselling. This is a practical, integrative and creative therapeutic approach which is co-operative, supportive and empathetic. I have done many subsequent training courses and work in an integrative way using a range of techniques which are tailored to suit the needs of each individual client.

I studied for over four years to gain the Advanced Certificate and then Diploma in the Theory and Practice of Individual Psychology and Adlerian Counselling awarded the Institute for Individual Psychology. I am a member of the national and local and national Adlerian Societies 

I am a fully  accredited  and registerd by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP

I also run a virtual practice for clients seeking online therapy sessions.To ensure I can work ethically online I am a level 3 senior professional member of ACTO - the Association for Counselling and Therapy. This means that I have had substantive professional training to work specifically online. ACTO are recognised by the BACP

I am committed to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Counselling and Psychotherapy and have completed many courses in addition to my core training including training in solution focused brief therapy, groupwork, Cruse bereavement training,BLISS counselling training. Certificate in Couples Therapy, Certificate in Coaching, CBT, Introduction to online Therapy, Working with genograms, Aspergers in the bedroom, Short term couples work, working with ADHD and many many more.

About Me. BACPLOGO2023



Professional Qualifications.

I am fully accredited by the BACP (2011) I therefore undertake regular CPD courses. Below are my substantive qualifications:

IIP Advanced Counselling Certificate 2004
IIP Diploma Adlerian Counselling 2006
BACP Accredited Counsellor 2011
IIP Certificate Adlerian Supervision 20011
Diploma Integrative Supervision 2012
Certificate in Relational Couples Counselling 2014
Certificate Relational Coaching 2016
OCTS Diploma for Online Counselling 2020
OCST Online Counselling Supervision Diploma 2021
Senior Professional Member of ACTO (Association for Counselling and Therapy Online) 2021

About Me. photo

Code of Practice

As member of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists I adhere to the code of practice of the organisation as can be viewed at 


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